Vegan Gyoza
Vegan Gyoza

Vegan Gyoza

Who doesn’t love Gyoza?Have you tried making gyoza from scratch?

Last year, back when I’m still not into this veganism, I went to Nikko, Tochigi for a few days with my friends. It was my first time traveling outside Tokyo. Since this place is quite popular for gyoza, we went for a different gyoza places for the whole day. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and even an after dinner snack. EVERYTHING we ate that day was a various kinds of gyoza.

One kind of gyoza really surprises me was this gyoza they called “Hanetsuki” gyoza or what they called “Gyoza with wings”. It is a traditional type of Japanese gyoza wherein it is made with flakey golden crust outside but, still juicy on the inside. Other than its unique crispy texture, the inside was full of umami flavors from leafy vegetables. I told my friends that this was the kind of gyoza I was looking for!

Moving on, this is the reason why I made this recipe. I want to share with you guys the experience that I had from that moment. I re-created this gyoza into vegan while thinking of that moment too.

Making gyoza at home is actually fun! Especially if you make it with your family and friends. Since we have this pandemic, I think its a perfect time to spend and create more moments with your loved ones at home. It will take some time and efforts to create it from scratch but that is the fun part! You can also add some spring onions and more vegetables if you want!

I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video! If you have some comments, requests or suggestions, we would be very happy to hear from you!

Until our next video! Hmm… what would it be? ✨😊

Have a VegaNice Day!🌱🕊

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