Getting Ready
Getting Ready

Getting Ready


It’s been a while since our last post. Our first video last month was actually our trial video. We really appreciate everyone who subscribed to our channel and viewed our trial video. As a matter of fact, we’ve been preparing so much about this and ready to officially start sharing recipes starting this year of May! We’ve been limbering up for a month like searching various vegan recipes, bought so many recipe books ,and even went back and forth to our nearest local library just to further our knowledge about this. Surprisingly, library saved us a lot because there are actually plenty of vegan books and it’s free of charge and we just rented few.

So, as a part of our preparations, we even embroidered our own logo to our apron and eco-bag! So excited to use these for our videos.

What do you think? 🙂 It has been years since I touched needles and threads. Its not perfect but I am very satisfied about it!

I bought the apron from 3coins(3dollars shop), embroidery threads from Seria(dollar shop)

I added more details for this one compared to the apron so somehow it took more time and efforts but I made it! 🙂 Anyway, the ecobag is from GU( Medium size, and it’s only 199yen!

That’s it! I hope I inspired you through my DYI embroidery:) It is very enjoyable and fulfilling.

Have a VegaNice Day, everyone! Keep safe!



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