Vegan Burger Buns
Vegan Burger Buns

Vegan Burger Buns


I am very excited to share this recipe! I know every vegan out there loves burger! Me, myself also has been craving fast food burger lately so I though, why not making one at home?

Burger buns in a normal fast food chains mostly contains dairy products like butter, eggs or milk. So I experimented on how to create buns without these products.

I ended up finding out that Chia seeds can be used as an egg substitute in baking.

Most of the people doesn’t actually know that this Chia seeds exist. I, myself actually knew about this just about two years ago when I worked in a hotel where we served this as one of the toppings in our salad corner. I asked my Chef what is it and when he told me its a Chia seeds, I suddenly got curious and pull out my phone out of my pocket and searched for it right away. And yes, I found out that Chia Seeds is one of the most nutritious food in our planet. Its a super food that contains numerous nutrients and health benefits.

It is high in fiber which helps to improve our digestive health, high Omega-3 for our brain and is high in antioxidant. This is why this burger buns are super buns too! 🙂

This recipe makes 6 burger buns


  • Chia Seeds-10g
  • Water- 60ml
  • Bread flour- 240g
  • Salt-4g
  • Soy milk- 140ml
  • Sugar-21g
  • Dry Yeast- 7g
  • Coconut oil- 20ml
  • Extra flour for kneading-10g
  1. Pre-heat oven at 180 degrees celsius
  2. In a small bowl, combine chia seeds and water and set aside for 10minutes
  3. In a pot, warm the soy milk. Add the sugar and dry yeast and set aside in a warm place for 10minutes
  4. Prepare the dry ingredients. In a big bowl, sift the bread flour to avoid some lumps, add salt and whisk to combine
  5. Add the bloomed chia seeds and the soy milk mixture and mix
  6. Knead the dough for a about 5 to 10 minutes
  7. When the gluten forms into the dough, add the coconut oil little by little and continue to knead until smooth
  8. Place in a greased bowl and cover. Set aside in a warm place for 30-40 minutes until double size.The ideal temperature is between 26-36 degrees celsius.
  9. After 30-40 minutes, punch to remove some air from the dough. Knead and portion the dough into six.Approximately 70g each. Put in a baking tray.
  10. Cover and rest for another 15minutes
  11. Before baking, brush with some coconut oil and sprinkle some black sesame seeds
  12. Bake for 20 minutes
  13. Enjoy!
  14. Note: I made this recipe during winter. I needed to turn our heater on for the ideal room temperature for the dough to rise. Humidity also affects the dough from rising.

Stay tuned for our next video! Have a VegaNice Day!

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